Avis | Budget

Save up to 35% off on Car Rentals
with SizlPlus Brand Discounts.

$9.95 per Month
Download App & Join Sizl Below

Sizl donates a % of each monthly subscription to national & local charities.


$ave Money on Car Rentals and more.
Download Sizl App, Join and Get Started Today.

Scan QR Code with your Smartphone if viewing site from Laptop or Desktop
Tap on “Download & Join Sizl App Now” button if viewing from your Phone


Eliminate up to 90% of
Total Card Processing Costs!



Join other Business Owners throughout the U.S. who have eliminated most of their monthly Card
Processing fees by using the new, approved & compliant Cash Discount Program.

Wireless, Counter Top and P.O.S.
We have the solution for you.


Mobile Wireless Tablet

‚‚Ø Processing Fees | Ø Equipment Fees
Ø Setup Fees | All Biz Types Welcome

P.O.S. Terminal

Ø Processing Fees | Ø Equipment Fees
Ø Setup Fees | All Biz Types Welcome


Ø Processing Fees | Ø Equipment Fees
Ø Setup Fees | All Biz Types Welcome

Save $100’s to $1,000’s a Month in Fees.
Put $$$ back into Your Business.

Get started in minutes and place order today.

Large & Small Merchant Locations
have cut their Card Processing costs by 90%

The Cash Discount program is designed to encourage customers to pay your credit card fees or cash.
A small service charge is applied to all sales using a credit or debit card paid by customers.


How it Works

  • Applied equally to Credit & Debit transactions the same

  • Fee amount can be a percentage of the transaction amount, a flat fee or a combination of both

  • For example: Transactions < $x.xx get charged a flat fee and >
    $x.xx get charged a percent


Program Features

  • EMV Compliant, Wireless Terminals, Touch Screen, WiFi

  • All-in-One P.O.S. Systems Available with Printer & Heavy Duty Cash Drawer

  • Restaurant EMV Tip Adjust Post Authorization

  • Built-in Loyalty Programs

Chains & Franchises Welcome.

Get started in minutes and place order today.

If You are Paying more than $50 a Month
in Credit Card Processing Fees…
You are Paying too Much.



Mobile Wireless Tablet

‚‚Ø Processing Fees | Ø Equipment Fees
Ø Setup Fees | All Biz Types Welcome

Traditional Banking
Business & Consumer

‚‚Checking Accounts | Debit Cards
U.S. & Global Banking 100+ Countries

P.O.S. Terminal

Ø Processing Fees | Ø Equipment Fees
Ø Setup Fees | All Biz Types Welcome

Credit Card Swiper

‚‚Ø Processing Fees | Ø Equipment Fees
Ø Setup Fees | All Biz Types Welcome


Ø Processing Fees | Ø Equipment Fees
Ø Setup Fees | All Biz Types Welcome


‚‚Dogecoin | Bitcoin
Ethereum | Litecoin

$ave Money & Make Money.
Download Sizl App, Join and Get Started Today.