Staples | Office Depot Office Max

Staples up to 30% off on retail items.
Office Depot / Office Max up to 85% off on retail items
with SizlPlus Brand Discounts.

$9.95 per Month
Download App & Join Sizl Below

Sizl donates a % of each monthly subscription to national & local charities.


$ave Money on Home & Office Supplies and more.
Download Sizl App, Join and Get Started Today.

Scan QR Code with your Smartphone if viewing site from Laptop or Desktop
Tap on “Download & Join Sizl App Now” button if viewing from your Phone


Eliminate up to 90% of
Total Card Processing Costs!



Join other Business Owners throughout the U.S. who have eliminated most of their monthly Card
Processing fees by using the new, approved & compliant Cash Discount Program.

Wireless, Counter Top and P.O.S.
We have the solution for you.


Mobile Wireless Tablet

‚‚Ø Processing Fees | Ø Equipment Fees
Ø Setup Fees | All Biz Types Welcome

P.O.S. Terminal

Ø Processing Fees | Ø Equipment Fees
Ø Setup Fees | All Biz Types Welcome


Ø Processing Fees | Ø Equipment Fees
Ø Setup Fees | All Biz Types Welcome

Save $100’s to $1,000’s a Month in Fees.
Put $$$ back into Your Business.

Get started in minutes and place order today.

Large & Small Merchant Locations
have cut their Card Processing costs by 90%

The Cash Discount program is designed to encourage customers to pay your credit card fees or cash.
A small service charge is applied to all sales using a credit or debit card paid by customers.


How it Works

  • Applied equally to Credit & Debit transactions the same

  • Fee amount can be a percentage of the transaction amount, a flat fee or a combination of both

  • For example: Transactions < $x.xx get charged a flat fee and >
    $x.xx get charged a percent


Program Features

  • EMV Compliant, Wireless Terminals, Touch Screen, WiFi

  • All-in-One P.O.S. Systems Available with Printer & Heavy Duty Cash Drawer

  • Restaurant EMV Tip Adjust Post Authorization

  • Built-in Loyalty Programs

Chains & Franchises Welcome.

Get started in minutes and place order today.

If You are Paying more than $50 a Month
in Credit Card Processing Fees…
You are Paying too Much.



Mobile Wireless Tablet

‚‚Ø Processing Fees | Ø Equipment Fees
Ø Setup Fees | All Biz Types Welcome

Traditional Banking
Business & Consumer

‚‚Checking Accounts | Debit Cards
U.S. & Global Banking 100+ Countries

P.O.S. Terminal

Ø Processing Fees | Ø Equipment Fees
Ø Setup Fees | All Biz Types Welcome

Credit Card Swiper

‚‚Ø Processing Fees | Ø Equipment Fees
Ø Setup Fees | All Biz Types Welcome


Ø Processing Fees | Ø Equipment Fees
Ø Setup Fees | All Biz Types Welcome


‚‚Dogecoin | Bitcoin
Ethereum | Litecoin

$ave Money & Make Money.
Download Sizl App, Join and Get Started Today.